I AM AN INTROVERT. When I finally figured it out, it was like I had found the missing piece to the complicated puzzle that was my life. My entire perspective changed with that realization. And my true self was revealed to me in a very real and humbling way. It was an awakening of sorts. And to tell you the truth, it was long overdue! Oh, how sweet was that first taste of freedom; freedom from thoughts of not belonging or being strange and different in the eyes of an ever-scrutinizing world. And so, as an advocate and voice for my fellow introverts, I want to share with you just why introverts are awesome.
Chances are you probably know a few introverts yourself. I admit some of us are kind of easy to pick out sometimes. Maybe you know a few people you would never have guessed were introverts. We are a diversified bunch, for sure. But a few qualities make us introverts to the core. A while back, I wrote an article, Practical Struggles Of The Introvert Mom In Today’s World, in which I touched on some of the characteristics of introverts. I would love it if you would read it. Especially if you are an introverted mom. Doing the motherly things as an introvert can be challenging. Especially if you parent an extroverted child like I do.
If you think you are an introvert, I recommend doing a quiz to determine where you fall on the introvert/extrovert spectrum. There are many lengthy ones out there; you can certainly do them if you like. But I prefer ones that are short and sweet. Here is one that I recommend.

Here’s why introverts are awesome
1. Introverts don’t need to be constantly entertained in a social setting
To tell you the truth, I don’t even need to be entertained most of the time! In a social setting, I am quite content finding a quiet spot and checking out the scene from a distance. I may understandably appear as a loner. But I’m not opposed to chatting with anyone. In fact, I often enjoy it. But if no one ever approached me, I’d be okay in my own little world. That’s one less person that the host has to worry about entertaining!
2. Introverts thrive when they are alone
I have spent some of the best moments of my life by myself. My husband and my kids mean the world to me. I cherish every moment I have with them, but I also value the time I spend with myself. Extroverts often find themselves bored and unproductive during alone time. In fact, aloneness is often wrongfully equated with idleness. Introverts, however, use the opportunity to improve themselves in different ways.
I dare say that quotes about idleness (“to pass time without doing anything” as defined in freedictionary.com) can be somewhat inaccurate. For instance, I couldn’t disagree more with, “Success operates in active moments and not in idleness.” – Oscar Bimpong, because success here is defined in terms of actively doing things to achieve wealth and status as determined by the world around us. But can’t success also be defined as self-growth, self-empowerment, self-realization, and self-determination? After all, success itself may be elusive if one doesn’t achieve any of these. And what better time to accomplish these things than in the time you spend with yourself, alone and “idle” but equipped with mindfulness and resolve?

More reasons…..
3. Introverts can be easy on the wallet
My idea of a good time is getting cozy with a good book beside the fireplace. That’s the truth. And I’ll say it loud and proud! While I’m not opposed to occasional outings, I am definitely in my happy place at home. I’m a cheap date, what can I say!!
4. An introvert is less likely to cause hurt feelings in an argument
I believe one of the most extraordinary qualities of introverts is their ability to stop and think before speaking. Needless to say, in an argument, this is EVERYTHING! Ambrose Bierce’s quote aptly says, “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Oh, how true this is! Stopping to think gives perspective. It provides the opportunity to analyze facts and make a good and fair case. In this way, feelings are less likely to get hurt.
Just a few more pertinent points
5. Introverts are genuine, loyal friends with whom you can really connect
Most introverts have a few close friends instead of many friends. Quality of friendships definitely trumps quantity for the introvert. For me, it has always been a matter of “clicking” or not. It may sound superficial. But if it takes too much work and effort to get to know someone, I’m probably not going to let that person into my guarded world.
The “clicking” is sort of instant, effortless, and exciting. The conversations usually include little to no small talk. The topic is usually something of substance that is important to all parties involved. In that way, a deep connection is born. It takes a lot for an introvert to share their inner thoughts. They will, in turn, value your thoughts and opinions and closely guard any secrets you have chosen to share.

6. Introverts can be highly productive and valuable in the workplace
Introverts are always observing different aspects of their environment. As a result, they tend to be quick learners. They easily adapt to different situations. The desire to be alone rather than socialize is also useful since less time is spent socializing. Productivity therefore increases. Also, because introverts are great at establishing meaningful connections, they form strong bonds with coworkers. This will also lead to more productivity and cohesiveness in the workplace.

Final point
7. Self-awareness breeds confidence
Here is an edited excerpt from my previous post: Practical Struggles Of The Introvert Mom In Today’s World
Being as introspective as I am sometimes feels like a curse. But believe me; it truly is a gift. And I accept it with open arms. Being self-aware means being completely in tune with who you are as an individual. I am constantly examining experiences in my life before they happen, during the actual event, and after. Examining my interactions with people and how I react in different situations is my superpower.
I thoroughly examine my faults. And even if those are hard to own up to at times, I am aware of their existence and the unique ways that they affect my being. Knowledge is power. And I acknowledge that I am not perfect. Because of this gift, I am less impulsive and better equipped to make decisions. I am confident not only in who I am but in the decisions I make in my daily life.
In conclusion
So, have I convinced you that introverts are awesome? They are great people to have in your life. I assure you, you won’t regret it.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so please feel free to leave a comment below.
Much love and peace to you.
Fransic verso
March 31, 2023 at 12:55 pmThis is interesting, it’s good to know they are productive in the workplace. I’m half introvert and half extrovert haha.
Julie Russell
March 31, 2023 at 2:15 pmLove this post, I relate to it so much! I love that there are writers out there who talk about what’s it’s like being an introvert. I look forward to reading more articles!
Literally Laurie
March 31, 2023 at 5:02 pmLove your niche! Great post!
Deanna | Life By Deanna
March 31, 2023 at 6:22 pmLove it haha I’m definitely more introverted but still like a good social gathering from time to time!
Rhian westbury
April 4, 2023 at 3:16 amI’m an introvert so can really relate to a lot of these. Although I am definitely not good for the wallet haha x
April 4, 2023 at 5:12 amSo happy to see this list of positives. I lean towards being an introvert and I am a hard worker and a good friend.
Marie Cris Angeles
April 4, 2023 at 5:56 amWow! Reading this can’t stop me from thinking that I’m an introvert. I didn’t know that.
April 4, 2023 at 8:00 amI am an introvert and relate to a lot in this post. I don’t need to always be around people and really enjoy my own company. I’m easy on the wallet too haha!
April 4, 2023 at 9:08 amI too am an introvert and it makes me really happy to read such posts. I love the positivity!
April 4, 2023 at 10:09 amThanks for sharing! As a fellow introvert, it’s good to have a reminder that we don’t need to be “fixed” and that is OK to be who we are🤗
April 4, 2023 at 10:23 amAs an introvert, I could relate so much with this post.
Yeah Lifestyle
April 4, 2023 at 10:41 amI also consider myself to be an introvert. I love to socialise but I am also happy in my own company too.
April 4, 2023 at 12:47 pmFellow introvert here and I can totally relate to these haha! I’m proud of being an introvert too!
April 4, 2023 at 2:33 pmI consider myself an introvert, and I can absolutely relate to these! I am independent and very self motivated. I like to do things my own way for sure!
Monidipa Dutta
April 4, 2023 at 3:48 pmYour article on the awesomeness of introverts is a refreshing and insightful read. I appreciate how you highlighted the unique strengths of introverted individuals, and provided practical tips for understanding and supporting them. Well done!
Melanie Williams
April 4, 2023 at 3:57 pmExcellent piece and you have put such a positive message in being an introvert. LOVE and will be sharing this with my friends. Everyone has their strengths and can excel and thrive x
April 4, 2023 at 6:06 pmI am an introvert and have been at peace with that for many years, to me it has only benefits and positives!
April 5, 2023 at 8:48 amAs an introvert, I can relate to this post! It’s so refreshing to read about all the wonderful traits that come along with being introverted. From our tendency to be thoughtful and reflective to our amazing ability to listen deeply, I couldn’t agree more that introverts are awesome! 😀 Except for the part that we’re easy on the wallet haha
Melissa Cushing
April 5, 2023 at 8:54 amI absolutely enjoyed this post and can relate whole heartedly as I am an introvert myself. I love the time I have alone and cherish it to be honest and do things for myself during those times… whether that be painting or reading a good book…. I love me time 🙂 I equally love doing things with my family all together and cherish those moments too. Outings, road trips and adventures…. I just love my family and my home and my me time so thank you for this!
Sheenia Denae
April 5, 2023 at 9:25 amI’m such an introvert! Great read!
April 5, 2023 at 11:12 amI feel i am slightly introverted and I LOVE IT!!! I can’t agree more with you, introverts are awesome!!!
Paula Richie
April 5, 2023 at 6:11 pmIntroverts bring a unique set of strengths and skills to the table that are highly valuable in many different contexts. They might not be as vocal or outgoing as extroverts, but they have many awesome qualities that make them highly valuable and effective contributors to society.
April 6, 2023 at 10:28 amThere is power in being an introvert! great post.
April 6, 2023 at 6:53 pmI can relate with this. My sister is also introvert.
Jupiter Hadley
April 7, 2023 at 3:20 amIt is so good that you are able to put a label on it! I am not an introvert and do not like being on my own, so I feel I am the oppositie of a lot of these – it’s good to know about other people’s point of views.
April 7, 2023 at 8:28 amWhat a beautiful post showing how we all have a place! I can identify with a lot of this. I think I fall in between at times. I need to take one of the quizzes…haha. Thank you for sharing and for your honesty.
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