My son called today to say hi and to ask what his dad and I were up to. He replied, “Yeah, I figured,” when I told him we had nothing planned. The kid gets me. He knows I am an introvert to my core and loves and accepts me for who I am. It is human nature to want to be accepted. But we introverts understand that we may not be everyone’s cup of tea. People often think of us as boring and odd. After all, introverts do some unusual things that don’t fall within the realm of standard behavior. So stick around—why don’t you? And I’ll fill you in on all the unusual things introverts do!
Funny enough, we do these unusual things because they are second nature to us. Some of us introverts do them without hesitation or fear of being judged. The fact of the matter is that we often do these things to prevent our personal space from being invaded and to prevent being caught off-guard in a situation we feel ill-prepared for.
All in all, it is what it is, and I am unapologetically me. You see, life really begins when you love yourself and are happy with who you are. And boy, do I love myself! Everything suddenly made sense the day I realized I was an introvert. And the journey into self-discovery and self-appreciation began. There is no greater feeling than seeing a meme posted by a fellow introvert on social media and being able to say, “Oh my gosh, that’s so me.” I have found my tribe, on social media, at least, because chances are they are all holed up in their homes, too. After all, home is the introvert’s happy place.
My son knows that home is where it’s at for me. Sure, some days, we venture out to do things, but being in my own space can’t be beat! Being an introvert is a beautiful thing. We are amazing creatures with a lot to offer and can be great friends to anyone who would have us as a friend.
If you want to learn more about the characteristics introverts possess, check out my earlier blog post, Practical Struggles Of The Introvert Mom In Today’s World.
Or, if you think you may be an introvert, take this quick quiz to learn more.

Being put on the spot is largely responsible for some unusual things introverts do
1. We stare at the phone ringing and don’t answer it, but we’ll text…that’s ok
Early on, when my marriage was still young, I would do this, and my husband would just look at me. He’d say, “Are you going to get that?” To which I would reply, “Nope!” And that would be the end of it. I would check my messages later because the caller would leave a message if it were important, right? My husband knows me better now; he’ll answer it himself if it’s important. He’s the best. I don’t know what I would do without him. Every introvert needs someone like him in their corner.
Many people think introverts don’t want to talk on the phone because they don’t like people. Not true, definitely not true! I appreciate having other people in my life, and I recognize that it would be a very mundane existence without other humans to interact with.
Unless someone texts you and says they will be calling you soon, phone calls are out of the blue. It puts the introvert on the spot and trust me when I say that we don’t like that at all….not one bit! We prefer to plan ahead by mulling over different things that may come up in conversation, thus preparing us for anything. An out-of-the-blue phone call makes that impossible, and there may be moments of deafening silence during a phone call because we are busy thinking, internalizing, and formulating a response. Awkward.
Also, nonverbal cues are absent over the phone. You can’t see the other person’s facial expressions or body language, which detracts from the experience and leaves the introvert at a loss regarding how the conversation is going. That will distract the introvert even more as they try to figure that out. The phone call that came out of the blue was already a distraction in itself!
So, the best way to reach an introvert is by texting them. Non-verbal cues are also absent in texts, but the advent of emojis and GIFs has been a game-changer!
We weren’t expecting you!

2. We don’t answer the door when someone knocks or rings the doorbell unexpectedly
Let me start by saying that safety for myself and everyone in my house is my first concern, so if I don’t know the person ringing the doorbell, I will not answer the door.
I consider my home my safe space. There, I can be who I want and do what I want without fear of judgment and ridicule. If I wanted company, I’d invite you over. But showing up unannounced at my front door is a no-no for me. By doing that, you are putting me on the spot, and my safe space suddenly doesn’t feel safe anymore. Introverts like to be fully prepared for all encounters, including when someone shows up at the door. If it is an unexpected visit, chances are I will be entirely out of sorts, and hopefully, I will be able to hide it, but I can’t make any promises!
However, that being said, I was raised well by two amazing parents, and I will never be rude if someone shows up unexpectedly at my front door. You can count on that! I may be entirely awkward, but I will never be rude!
3. We avoid encounters in public with people we know

It has happened more often than I would like to admit! I feel awful doing it, but it’s like a reflex. I will literally start walking in the opposite direction, hide my face, avoid eye contact, and even high-tail it out of there if I have to! And yes, that’s even if I didn’t finish what I went there to do. I might enjoy interactions with that person, but a chance encounter with them is just too overwhelming.
Introverts are caught off-guard when they unexpectedly meet someone. They have no time to come up with something to talk about! Zero! The horror! And so these chance encounters are inadvertently loaded with small talk, a pet peeve of introverts. We would just rather not. To save face and avoid a conversation teeming with awkward pauses, the introvert’s only option is to avoid meeting that person at all costs.
I try to avoid chance encounters to the best of my ability. So, if you see me ducking out of sight or scurrying off into the distance, please just let me be! I am just trying to prevent an awkward and very uncomfortable situation. I promise it’s not that I don’t like you! In fact, I would react totally differently if I met you in a social setting where I knew I would be expected to socialize. I would welcome the conversation, and I might even be chatty if the mood and setting were just right.

More unusual things
4. In a public setting, we disappear often
Events that require a lot of interaction with other people can be very draining for an introvert. We could be having a blast and enjoying ourselves, but occasionally, we just disappear. It’s usually to a bathroom, but a quiet corner or balcony with no foot traffic will do. We need a quiet place to recharge ourselves to have enough energy to continue socializing. It may seem rude or questionable to people, but we are exercising our right to self-care. We are making sure that, come what may, we are able to function and get through the event. I really love this about being an introvert. We are so in tune with our minds and bodies!
5. We are ecstatic, heck even euphoric, when someone cancels plans with us

While most people may feel disappointed when plans get canceled, I celebrate! I genuinely have the best of intentions when I make plans with someone. But this is usually quickly followed by intense regret. I love being home, being in my own space, and doing things I love doing. Why do anything else? Why, as the saying goes, “fix” something that isn’t broken?
The crux of the matter is that when introverts make plans with someone, they inadvertently lose a little control over how things go that day. Canceled plans return control to the introvert. I like that, I like that a lot!
Also, introverts thrive on alone time. Canceled plans means more time to explore our thoughts, do the things we love to do, and conserve our energy.
We are also creatures of habit, so doing something out of the ordinary can be mentally and physically exhausting. It can also cause unnecessary worry because we tend to fear the unknown.
6. We say we are busy when we are not
I appreciate people; I really do. When someone invites me to an event, it means the world to me. It means that they value me enough to want me around.
Sometimes, I am up for it. And on those days, watch out, world! Unfortunately, most of the time, I would rather stay at home. And as awful as it is, I make excuses and say I’m busy. Occasionally, I regret saying no because FOMO (fear of missing out) is real, but I don’t lose too much sleep over it. In fact, I try my best to make up for my introverted behavior at some point to the best of my ability and hope that it is enough. But the truth is, I will always do what is right for me.
7. We prepare for conversations or events that may happen and sometimes rehearse them, too

As I mentioned before, introverts like to be well-prepared for any scenario. My greatest skill is anticipating different things in different situations I know I will be in. I play out various scenarios in my head and devise ways to make situations and conversations less stressful. I may even try to brush up my knowledge on things I am not too familiar with if I have to.
Most people who are not introverts will think that doing this is a waste of time and that we should just wing it. Unfortunately, introverts are not wired that way. We like to be prepared for everything. When we are, things flow well for us, giving us our own little victory, and we get to settle into it and actually enjoy the moment.

In conclusion
So there you have it! What do you think? Do the behaviors I mentioned seem strange and unusual to you? If not, you should probably take the quiz because you may be an introvert yourself!
I’ll be the first to admit that the things I do as an introvert may seem weird to others. But my love for myself and who I am at my core trumps everything, and I don’t see things changing any time soon. As I said before, I am who I am and wouldn’t change it for the world.
By doing the “unusual” things I do, I am essentially setting boundaries, something we should all do to find peace, fulfillment, and happiness in our lives.
Thank you for stopping by the blog. Whether this is your first time visiting Hope Above All or you have been here before, I hope you will come back soon. I appreciate you all!
Much love and peace to you!
July 1, 2024 at 7:38 amI can definitely relate to some of these things if not all…, especially the fact that I hate being put on the spot. I’d rather text people than call them too (far less stressful…). Thanks for sharing your experience and stories!
July 1, 2024 at 7:44 amLovely post! I recognize myself in many of these behaviors…
Sheenia Denae | Lifestyle Blogger
July 1, 2024 at 8:27 amI’m an introvert, and this post is so accurate!!!
Lauren Maker
July 1, 2024 at 9:26 amStrange!
This is me too a T!
But it’s only developed since COVID!
I used to be extroverted and now so happy to be introverted!
Sometimes I force myself out there!
July 1, 2024 at 9:35 amHi, my name is Norisha! And I’m an introvert. thank you for the read
Dahlia A
July 1, 2024 at 9:44 amGreat insight into the life of an introvert. I think we all have some of these qualities for sure. A great read for sure!
Mow De
July 1, 2024 at 1:05 pmHi Vicky, great post on Introversion and personality traits. Your passion for the topics covered in your blog is inspiring. Keep it up!
July 1, 2024 at 1:09 pmGreat post. As an introvert myself, I can totally relate to the post.
July 1, 2024 at 1:22 pmI can really relate to the point about introverts needing time alone to recharge. After social gatherings, I always find that I need a few hours of solitude to feel like myself again.
July 1, 2024 at 3:37 pmMy best friend is a total introvert, and every single one of these is so spot on! You could have written this about her. Great post.
Yeah Lifestyle
July 2, 2024 at 4:16 amI can get a lot of this. I certainly would rather text than take a phone call and I often feel happy when plans are cancelled last minute. But on the other hand I am also pretty sociable too. Maybe I’m in between.
Jupiter Hadley
July 2, 2024 at 6:56 amI am not an introvert but do understand claiming your busy when you are not! What an interesting look into someone else.
July 2, 2024 at 8:00 amExactly me. I am an introvert.
Nice relatable post..
July 2, 2024 at 8:58 amThis is so crazy I consider myself an extrovert but I do a lot of these things! including the first 3! Maybe I’m an introvereted extrovert? or an extroverted introvert? a closet introvert?
July 2, 2024 at 8:58 amI can definitely relate to many of these things. I don’t answer the door if I’m not expecting anyone and I’m a little too happy when someone cancels their plans!
July 2, 2024 at 9:38 amHaha so true! I stare at the phone ringing and think “ Why can’t you just text!” Thanks for the helpful inside and the reassurance Im not alone!
Nicole m
July 2, 2024 at 9:47 amAs an introvert myself, I can definitely relate to these unusual habits! It’s always comforting to know that I’m not alone in my quirks.
Lavanda Michelle
July 2, 2024 at 10:55 amThat’s so great your son gets you! I’m curious about these unique introvert habits you mentioned.
Lavanda Michelle
July 2, 2024 at 11:00 amIt sounds like you’ve found a deep connection with your introverted nature! It’s wonderful how your son understands and supports your need for home as your sanctuary. Embracing who you are is such a powerful journey of self-discovery and acceptance
July 2, 2024 at 11:31 amI feel so called out right now! LOL I’m an introvert without a doubt but it seems quite a few of us are and found this little read quite relateable.
July 2, 2024 at 2:44 pmOh I love how these are so true!
Melanie E
July 2, 2024 at 6:00 pmThis was such an interesting read and I can identify with some of these myself. I hate it when people have turned up unannounced and also don’t always answer the door. I like to be prepared for arrivals to my home.
July 2, 2024 at 8:13 pmA truly interesting read for sure. People turning up to our houses unannounced is challenging to deal with not only for introverts but for many others as well.
Sue-Tanya Mchorgh
July 2, 2024 at 9:24 pmIt’s wonderful that your son understands and accepts you for who you are. As a fellow introvert, I completely get the joy of being appreciated just as you are. Society often misunderstands introverts, so I’m excited to read more about the unique and “unusual” things we do. Thanks for sharing this perspective!
July 3, 2024 at 11:31 amInteresting post, all of these are true for me! My husband is an extrovert and it can bring on some feelings of anxiety for me when we go out. He loves to meet people and I do not. Thank you for sharing!
July 4, 2024 at 11:58 amI am a fellow introvert and this post rings true for me. I find social situations to be draining and if I am out in public and see someone I know I am darting the other way!! Thanks for sharing, it’s nice to be reminded we’re not alone!
July 5, 2024 at 10:48 amThis article is about me! I’m 100% introverted, and I do all these things often. I’m so happy that my husband is also an introvert and understands me.