Family Life

6 Important Questions You MUST Ask Before Getting A Dog

Izzy and Zoey, two brown Chiweenies, sitting with their heads raised

Is Getting A Dog Really In The Cards For You?

I’m a sucker for dogs. As a child growing up on the twin-island of Trinidad and Tobago, I always had a four-legged friend or two by my side. They always seemed to fit right into my family and our way of life, and I just can’t imagine what my childhood would have been like if they were not around. Naturally, once I started my own family, I started thinking about getting a dog. It remained just a thought for many years before we took the plunge. There was one main reason for that. We had moved to another country, the USA, and were living with my in-laws who were not big fans of pets. Those were difficult years for me because I was living in a new environment and I didn’t have a furry friend to help make it all better. I would have loved to see my kids in their early years with a pet but getting a dog wasn’t going to happen just yet. Years later, when we finally moved into our own home, I believed the time had come to pursue welcoming a dog into our family. My husband had no experience with family pets. Having dogs where I grew up was a different experience altogether. Firstly, all of our dogs lived outdoors. They never had to be taken out to be potty trained since they spent all of their time outside. They never went on walks because our yard was their playground. My parents would make dinner for the family along with a special pot of food just for the dogs. Dog food was insanely expensive and not readily available, so cooking for the dogs was the best option. I knew that getting a dog for our family would be a very different experience than what I was used to but I was willing to learn. It was 2012 when we got our first dog, Zoey the Chiweenie (a Chihuahua and Dachshund mix).

Zoey our brown Chiweenie wearing a red necktie with hearts on it.
Zoey the Chiweenie, the first dog we got

In 2016, we got our 2nd dog, Izzy the Chiweenie.

Izzy the brown Chiweenie sitting and wearing a red necktie with hearts on it.
Izzy the Chiweenie, the 2nd dog we got

In 2019, we welcomed our 3rd dog, Miko into the family. He is a Chin-wa, a mix of Chihuahua and Japanese Chin.

Miko the white and brown Chin-wa sitting and wearing a blue necktie with black paw prints on it.
Miko the Chin-wa, the 3rd dog we got

As I said, I’m a sucker for dogs, I always have been. All logic goes out the window when I see cute puppy eyes looking into mine. Is this really a great approach to things? No! I have 3 dogs! By the time we brought Miko into the fold, I was seriously questioning our decision making. Honestly, we should have stopped at 2 but it is what it is. Miko has nuzzled his way into our hearts and lives and there is no turning back now.

So you’re thinking of getting a dog. What questions should you be asking yourself?

1. Do you even like dogs?

Getting a dog is a big decision. You are welcoming this animal into your hearts and your home. You’ll have a new member of your family. It will follow you around the house. It will constantly try to get your attention. It may chew on your things. It will need to be cared for when you go on trips. Are you ready for that? I have heard friends who have no kids say that they love kids but they are happy to play with them and return them to their parents when they are done. Do you feel that way about dogs? Are you the type of person who loves playing with them but would rather someone else shoulder the responsibilities of caring for them? If you answered yes to that question, getting a dog may not be the right decision for you. Sure, you may like dogs but you don’t want to be responsible for them. Don’t worry, that’s okay. You are not flawed. Kudos to you for knowing exactly what you want and what is right for you.

2. Need versus want

This may sound silly because most people get a dog because they want one not because they need one. As I mentioned, we have 3 dogs, Zoey, Izzy, and Miko. When we got Miko we didn’t assess the situation the right way. Our hearts got in the way of our decision making. We love him like crazy now but did we need him? No. We saw him, fell in love and the rest is history.

3. Who will be responsible for taking care of your dog?

You’ll be picking up poop in a plastic bag. If you don’t see yourself doing that, is there someone else in the house who will? If there are no takers before you bring your furry friend home, you may need to reconsider because I hate to break it to you, dogs poop. Bottom line is, someone is going to need to assume responsibility for your dog or you can share the responsibilities. These include cleaning up potty accidents, potty training, walks, grooming, trips to the vet, and feeding. Oh, and picking up after your dog is a thing too if they love toys.

4. Can you afford a dog?

Having a dog is like having another child. You love them but you also need to provide them with the things they need. If you’re in a tough spot financially right now, I would strongly suggest waiting until you can afford a dog. Expenses include; veterinary care, dog food, a collar, and a leash. These are the things your dog must-have. Other expenses include grooming, a dog bed, a crate, waste bags, toys, and clothes. These can be provided without impacting your wallet with a little creativity with items you already have, patience, and a do-it-yourself attitude.

5. Do you have space to keep a dog?

You’ll have to consider the size of the dog that you want here. For me, I have 3 dogs but they are all small breeds so physical space is not an issue. Do you have somewhere in your home that you can turn into a space for your dog? Specifically, if you are investing in a dog crate, will it fit in the space that you have chosen?

6. Boy or girl?

Zoey and Izzy, our female dogs, have both been spayed. We are in the process of investigating whether it is safe for Miko to be neutered. In the meantime, I am losing my mind. Miko is constantly trying to mark his territory and I am constantly shampooing my carpet. He is also the only one of our dogs that tries to bolt once the door is opened as he has the urge to roam and find a mate. If Miko cannot undergo the surgery, we will have to get used to his intact male behavior but I am keeping my fingers crossed on this one! The girls, before being spayed were never difficult to manage. Hopefully, if you choose a male dog, he can safely be neutered (if you choose to go that route), to help diminish any unwanted behaviors.

Collage of my 3 dogs with heading My Loves.  From left Izzy (brown), Miko (white) and Zoey (brown).
My dogs: Izzy, Miko and Zoey

Dogs are amazing pets and companions. If you are thinking of getting one for your family, make sure and ask yourself the above questions to help you decide what you should do. Then comes the fun part of searching for the perfect fit for your family if you decide that the time is right.


  • Vijoy
    December 6, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    This is great, and those dogs are so cute!!! I especially love Izzy, she is adorable!!!

  • Len Swegart
    February 6, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    Needed to read this since we’ve been thinking about getting one. Thanks for sharing.

  • Nishtha
    August 10, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Such a timely post! My kids always have asked us for pets and we have been fostering since 2017! We just had our 1st cats fostering experience. I agree that owning pet is great but a lot of commitment. Love all the pics

  • Evie
    August 11, 2021 at 7:15 pm

    So cute! Love your dogs! What great questions to consider before purchasing. We got our first because we fell in love and didn’t realize everything that went with having a dog. Didn’t matter though, we love her!

  • Danielle
    August 11, 2021 at 9:06 pm

    These are all great questions to ask before considering a dog!

  • Katie
    August 11, 2021 at 11:04 pm

    My husband want our family to have a dog, but with a two year old and another baby due in November, timing is no wrong for me. I already feel like I’m going nuts. Sweet little dogs (or any pets really) deserve a very stable environment so maybe when the baby is here and settled. 💙

  • Chrissy
    January 9, 2022 at 4:42 pm

    Your doggies are so cute! We had two big Labrador Retrievers, a white one and a chocolate one, Honey and Sally. They lived to be 13 and 14 years and loved my son since his birth. Since our move overseas, we haven’t had any pets. When we have our own house with garden in this country, we’re getting a dog again!


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