Congratulations to you, my beautiful High School Graduate! There were times when I didn’t think we would make it this far. I know you felt that way too. The challenges you encountered to get here were gargantuan and frustration and grief littered your path to success. Every step of the way was an intense struggle, and sometimes we cried together in despair. As if the burden of high school wasn’t great enough, your tiny shoulders had to bear the weight of something even heavier, something unexpected: your battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
To read more about mental health, click here
It was difficult watching you suffer, and every time you cried, a piece of my heart broke. No child should ever have to face such a monumental challenge at such a tender age, but fate was cruel, and the hand you were dealt felt unfair. Despite it all, you pushed on to the finish line, and your brave fight solidified one thing for me: you, my sweet daughter, are a true warrior. You are my hero. And as we stand here on the threshold of your college career, I want you to know that you are incredible. You are an inspiration to us all. Your dad and I are exceedingly proud of you. Well done, my sweet child.
Related post: Off To College: A Letter To My Firstborn

Graduation Day: Your first day as an official High School Graduate
Graduating high school means different things to different people. For some, it is the start of a bright new future at college, and for others, it marks the beginning of life in the real world. For us, more than anything, it signified that we had finally made it across a seemingly insurmountable hurdle. We were just grateful to have made it this far. After all, at times, this particular end goal seemed elusive and unattainable.
When you said that you were glad it was over, I knew you meant it. I knew that you were ready to say goodbye to this part of your life. More than anyone, I know how difficult it was for you, and I know how hard you fought. Your memories of high school would always be tainted by the dark feelings of despair, sadness, and helplessness. You are determined to put it all behind you and make a fresh start. I know, my child, and I am right there with you. Here’s to new beginnings!
My husband and I felt a sense of excitement and relief as we sat in the bleachers awaiting the procession of graduates on Graduation Day. I had walked with tissues in hand, expecting to shed a few tears, but I did not expect the onslaught of emotions that ensued. When we rose from our seats to watch our baby walk to her seat, all the feelings of sadness, relief, joy, and pride collided, and I just lost it. The tears came with a vengeance, and there was no stopping them. Every fear, every heartache, and every feeling of desperation converged in that moment, and I let the tears wash them all away.
The walk across the big stage
When the time came for you to make your way across the stage, I was on the edge of my seat. I was beaming with pride as I watched you walking over there.
Everyone knows how hard it is to raise teenagers, but raising one with mental health struggles has proved to be quite the challenge. I thought that knowing about Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder was enough. It seemed plausible that the knowledge and clinical experience that my husband and I had would be sufficient. But I was wrong, very wrong. Knowing about something and actually living through it are two very different things.
We have learned a lot about you and ourselves in the last few years. The girl we were about to see walk across that stage was a very different girl from the one at the beginning of high school. You have changed in so many ways. We have too.
Honestly, the actual moment when your name was called is kind of a blur for me. It felt like I had been transported somewhere else. I was drifting through that moment in slow motion as I reflected on your life, from the moment I held you in my arms when you were born to the here and now. A mixed reel of images played in my mind. I saw your smiles, heard your laughter, and felt your tears. I saw it all, and I felt it all in my core. What a proud moment this was for this mama!

New beginnings
As you took your diploma, with your daddy screaming your name in the background, the words “We Made It” echoed in my head over and over again. It has indeed been a team effort to get to this place. As parents, we tried our best to help you through this phase of life. And rest assured that we will be there with you till our last breath. Your steps off the stage signified a cataclysmic end to a harrowing time of upheaval in your life. You were saying goodbye to years of hurt. That moment signaled a new beginning for you, for us all. You did it, my sweet girl, you did it!!
Things I need to say to you, my dear daughter
While it’s true that we talk a lot, there are some things that I need to put in writing. I want these thoughts and words to linger in your heart and mind now and forever.
- you are my hero
- I have never seen a more fierce warrior than you
- your strength is admirable
- our love for you has no limits
- every single day of your life, you make us proud
- you taught us how to parent even in the face of adversity
- continue to be an advocate for others like you
- live your life one day at a time
- don’t let your diagnoses define who you are
- despite your struggles, continue to shine your light
- we are in awe of you
- the sky is the limit for you
- reach out to us when you need to, and we will ALWAYS be there
- don’t be afraid to let others see the real you because you are beautiful, inside and out
- work hard
- look forward, not backward
- smile, it’s your most welcoming feature
- be kind to others

In conclusion
As I breathe a sigh of relief and say adieu to the past few difficult years, I will try to take my own advice. Henceforth, I will look forward, not back. I know there are many parents out there just like me who are raising a teen struggling with mental health issues. I want you to know that you are and always will be in my thoughts.
The struggle is real, but you don’t have to go it alone. Seek help for your child and even for yourself if you need to. Arm yourself with knowledge and ready yourself for the fight of your life. But stand tall, my friend, because if I can do it, you most certainly can. Amid the dark moments, stop and breathe. Be patient with yourself and your child, and give yourself some grace.
The reality for my family is that even though we crossed this hurdle successfully, we know that there will be many more hurdles like this. We have vowed to take it one step at a time. I am not naive, and I am aware that the end of high school does not mean the end of my daughter’s mental health struggles. We know that this is a burden she will continue to carry with her. As a result, we have vowed to always be a support system on which she can rely.
We have reached a huge milestone in my family. Now that my daughter has graduated, we will have two college kids in the fall. The reality that I am a soon-to-be empty nester is beginning to sink in!
And to you, my beautiful high school graduate, congratulations on a job well done and a battle well fought!
We love you!
June 4, 2022 at 9:56 amOh my goodness, I can’t stop crying! The way you described graduation day felt like I was right there with you. Such a powerful piece and I could feel each emotion through your writing. Wishing the three of you all the very best 🙂
Rancy D'Souza
June 4, 2022 at 1:19 pmBeautifully written. Loved the post. The way you’ve put down the emotions and experiences is heart touching.
June 4, 2022 at 5:24 pmOh goodness firstly Congratulations to you all but mostly your graduate…such beautiful words…yep made me cry…but also made my heart sing for your graduate and you…
Jere Cassidy
June 6, 2022 at 12:03 pmI will be honest, I couldn’t read your post all the way through. First I read your bio and immediately connected with you, then I started reading about your daughter (congratulations to her) and her struggles. I lived this life as well and it flooded me with memories.
I am so glad we can openly talk about mental health.
June 4, 2022 at 10:17 pmOh wow. My momma heart isn’t ready for this.
June 5, 2022 at 4:26 amSuch a beautifully written post 🙂 Congratulations to your daughter, what an amazing accomplishment!!
June 5, 2022 at 9:58 amGood conversation on opening up the door to other young people that may not know what to do. Congratulations to your daughter on achieving this monumental milestone.
June 6, 2022 at 9:08 amBeautiful post! Congratulations to your daughter <3 She has overcome so much and you have a lot to be proud of! Also, thank you for helping her through her journey!
June 6, 2022 at 9:31 amCongratulations to your girl. Lovely mumma post. Two lovely hearts, clearly.
June 6, 2022 at 1:32 pmThis is very beautiful! Congratulations and best of wishes!
Jodie the Mom
June 6, 2022 at 2:43 pmWhat an incredible milestone!
June 6, 2022 at 8:27 pmExciting days ahead after high school, congrats to you and your family. I feel like high school is the best stage but also lots of figuring out. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.
June 6, 2022 at 9:11 pmWow, such powerful writing and feelings put into words… you all deserve to be celebrated, conquering high school with mental health struggles is no small accomplishment! Thank you for writing this, saving it for when my kids start graduating in a couple of years.
June 7, 2022 at 1:15 amThis is such a beautiful post! Congratulations to you and your daughter on reaching this huge milestone. I can only imagine how hard it must have been on her. My daughter graduated two years ago and the last year of her high school was very, very difficult: Covid, college applications, pressure to fit in, etc. She did develop anxiety and we sought the help of mental health professional. Luckily since she’s started college, her anxiety has become less and less. I hope your daughter will find some peace as well.
Samantha Donnelly
June 7, 2022 at 9:55 amWhat a beautiful post I have tears in my eyes reading it. Congratulations to your daughter, and good luck to the future and a new chapter in all your lifes
June 7, 2022 at 1:10 pmI can feel the love and the pride in this post. She’s so lucky to have a mom like you supporting her and encouraging her.
Talya Stone
June 7, 2022 at 1:35 pmOh my goodness all the feels for this – you must be so proud. What a beautiful post for a beautiful high school graduate. It must be wonderful to see that transition as a mother.
Luna S
June 7, 2022 at 8:25 pmThis is such a heartfelt and sweet post, I love the idea of doing this as a way to express your feelings and admiration for our kids.
June 8, 2022 at 5:16 amA well-written post, congrats!
June 8, 2022 at 11:38 amA beautiful post! Congrats to your graduate…what a beautiful new journey that is about to begin. It’s exciting and scary but I wish you all the best for what’s to come.
Risa Lopez
June 8, 2022 at 1:43 pmLovely message. Congratulations also to your graduate. I hope she enjoys her next chapter of life.
June 8, 2022 at 9:33 pmWhat a lovely message and post! Thanks for sharing a piece of your life with us. Graduation is such a huge milestone. Congrats to your grad!
June 9, 2022 at 2:33 amMany congratulations to your daughter! It is an important milestone and one that will determine her future decisions. Such a beautiful tribute to her.
June 9, 2022 at 9:56 amThis was a lovely read! And congratulations to both your daughter and your family on this fantastic, beautiful graduation milestone!
June 9, 2022 at 11:32 amWhat a lovely message! Congratulation to your daughter and well done to you and everyone involved. Young people have now so many challenges to cope with and your daughter is doing so well. All the best to all of you!
Jupiter Hadley
June 10, 2022 at 1:14 amIt has been an extremely tricky last few years, especially for those looking to graduate school! What a lovely and thoughtful post.
June 14, 2022 at 4:05 pmThis is such a beautiful post! Congratulations to your daughter and also to you and your husband. This is a monumental milestone. Cheers to many more accomplishments and good times.
May 10, 2023 at 11:20 pmI can relate to this post a lot!!! That full story is not mine to tell yet, and I don’t think the one I love beyond words is ready for me too. But, I felt this post!!! You wrote so beautifully and did you and your daughter proud! ❤️